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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Happy Birthday, Sparkle Scribbles.

A few days ago, I realized that I started this blog in early June of last year. I was six months pregnant, living in a two-story house just shy of a century old and full of hard wood and windows, and looking forward to moving into Oliver's Love Cottage #1. Now, I'm sitting on a floral couch under a fairy blanket next to an open glass door in an apartment in a fairly city-ish town, listening to my husband washing dishes, watching a chubby-but-muscular-legged baby jumping in his Exersaucer and experimenting with gleeful war cries. I was trying to stitch myself with sparkly thread to gratitude, joy, and my real self. That was the purpose of the blog. I don't flit around in dress-up fairy wings all the time, and all the surfaces of my life aren't glitter-coated, but I do try to focus on and share the flitting, the glittering. I hope a few other people read Sparkle Scribbles (silly, fun title) and feel a little inspired to make or notice the sweet bits in their days, spaces, and dears. In any case, I like it.

I have a stack of books, my journal, and a mini Dr. Pepper can on the weathered coffee table in front of me. Oliver just paused to gaze at me with his dream elf blue eyes. I just said, "Joe," and Josh turned from the kitchen and gave me this shy, earnest smile. I have everything I need.


  1. I wish I could ever write like you do! But after reading your posts I feel inspired and happy. And it sounds like you have the most simple, carefree, and perfect life.
    Here's to another year!! :)

  2. Yay! Happy one year. I'm so glad you've carried on writing on here over the last year, so inspiring, interesting and makes me notice the little, special things more.
