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Saturday, January 1, 2022

Word(s) of the Year 2022.

 I recently wrote about what I discovered I needed in order to read well: stillness and attention. These are not two of my favorite words, and I don't love their sound or their layers of meaning. But I thought about words like tranquility, serenity, and mindfullness, and these didn't quite express what I meant, what I envisioned for the new year. So for 2022, my words will be stillness and attention. 

I have two major goals for 2022: to spend no extra money (NoBuy2022) and to read one hundred books. For both of these, I'll need my words. I plan to blog about my progress with these goals.

Stillness and attention are necessary for effective, engaged, and passionate reading. I'll need to read more than eight books per month to reach my goal of reading one hundred books in a year. I've done this once before the time of GoodReads while I was a graduate student, so I know I can do it. I have so many books I want to read, and I check out library books at an exhilarating pace. I want to give books the mental space they deserve in my life and in the way I spend my time.

Stillness and attention will also help me avoid spending. We need to focus our money on Oliver's education and care. Family members and friends have helped us, and I want to honor that by abstaining from fun spending. I'll keep my subscriptions (magazines and stickers), and I'll buy gifts for people. But I won't buy books, journals, pens, clothes, shoes, jewelry, makeup, or stationery. My manic traits make overspending easy (and thrilling), so I need stillness to break old cycles. I don't have a problem with stuff; Josh calls me a clutterbug. I love objects, and almost all objects have deep meaning for me. It's about saving and self-control. Attention will help me appreciate all the wonderful objects I already have. If I run low on pens or want a book, I can ask for it as an occasion gift. I've set up a NoBuy2022 List on Amazon, and I'm putting what I want there. Whatever it is can be a birthday present, or it will keep until next year. 

These words will help me with my other goals, which may include finishing a first draft of my second novella, submitting my writing for publication, finishing the Bible, and taking a weekly off-screen day. I'm not sure yet how my goals will shape up beyond the two main ones. But any and all of them will require quiet focus. 

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