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Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Last Day of 36.

Every year on the day before my birthday, I think about what I've managed to do during that year. Externally, it may not seem that I've done much this year, but I have. 

I celebrated our fifteenth wedding anniversary.

I got Oliver into a good school and secured funding for it.

I've read 129 books over the last year. 

I took a YA writing class with a bestselling author and worked on some of the scary marketing aspects of publishing.

I've sent out over 250 pieces (many still under consideration) and received seven acceptances. 

I wrote a third draft of Break a Wish and then proofread with help from Josh and Bruce.

I've done scary things like taking Oliver to the dentist by myself, taking him to the eye doctor, and doing my first interview in years. 

I've lost weight and started practicing yoga.

I've traveled to New York City for the first time, my major travel dream.

I've seen several shows, including three on Broadway.

I've written some pieces I really needed to write.

I'm a little tired. But I do look forward to seeing what comes.