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Saturday, March 19, 2022

Stillness & Attention: Week 11.

Day 1: I've had a hard time reading aloud to the boys because often, when I start reading, Oliver wants to go outside or watch videos. But this morning, I got to read 25 pages of The Girl Who Drank the Moon (which I'm really enjoying). I went back to reading Hope in the Mail and suddenly wanted to work on the second book in my YA fantasy series, so I did. I got some new ideas about a plot element, and I'm eager to see where it goes. Reading poetry sometimes prompts me to write poems; maybe reading about writing prompts me too. I journaled today with a Pentel Hybrid Dual Metallic pen in purple with red glitter. 

Josh and I changed our sheets and worked on laundry. I found out that my Paperblanks Grande journal will arrive late, which is a bummer. I was really looking forward to getting that today. But I have lots of great journals I can decorate. I have a phone lock screen image that says Use what you have. It's a good reminder.

Despite the cold and wind, Oliver has spent a lot of time in the backyard today. He's the happiest person I've ever met 95% of the time. But tonight, he's been trying to tell us something. He says, "I need some help," and looks at us earnestly, but we can't figure out what's wrong. Josh said, "That's a special kind of hell." We may never know.

Day 2: I'm writing with a Gelly Roll Stardust Green Star pen from the set Leah sent me. And I love my Mrs. Grossman's stickers.

I managed to read 33 pages of The Girl Who Drank the Moon to the boys today. I also finished reading Hope in the Mail. I wrote down a lot of encouraging quotations. I'm planning to read Writing Radar by Jack Gantos, a young readers book on pulling stories from one's journal. It will count toward my children's lit focus. I'm in the mood for nonfiction right now. Some of my library books are now two weeks late...oh dear. I hope this coming week will be a good reading week. I did finish four books this week and nine books this month. I'm now at 32 books for the year and 870 books total. I'm 14 books ahead of my goal, but I want to read even more.

I submitted five poems to a literary journal! I really want to get my work back out there.

Day 3: I got to spend a little of the morning with Josh. When he left for an appointment, I dove into Comfort Me with Apples by Catherynne M. Valente, and I finished it! It is beautiful and harsh. I think it's a book everyone ought to read but maybe especially men. Luckily, CMV has many more books, and I'm eager to read them. I'll check the library once I get caught up.

I also read several poems from Best American Poetry 2021, which spurred me to write a poem called "Set." Reading poems often reminds me of memories or ideas I've had for a long time but have never thought to use for a poem. 

I returned three books to the library. I'm still far behind, but I'm on the move. We're broke, and I've had little desire to spend money. We paid our steep taxes though, so that's one thing we don't have to worry about anymore. For now, Josh's car is working decently well. It's due for inspection in May, so that's probably when we'll have to make some decisions. We're not sure if Josh will be working this summer. Unknowns! But I'm happy today.

Day 4: I finished reading Best American Poetry 2021 and ended up liking it! I marked many lines and added many poets' books to my NoBuy2022 list. I have so many books on that list! I plan to check the library for every one when I can. Anything I can't find, I may buy next year. I'm happy to buy books of poetry. 

Today, I'm writing with an Ooly glitter pen in lavender. 

Day 5: I'm writing with another pen a friend sent me, this one a Gelly Roll Stardust pen in Blue Star.

I've started reading the book Together in a Sudden Strangeness: America's Poets Respond to the Pandemic. I'm still trying to read poems every day. Josh has shown a little interest in the book too. 

Day 6: I finished reading Revelator! It turned out to be very good-weird. Josh and I got a little time together this afternoon. We put away four loads of laundry in about 20 minutes! I wrote a poem called "Dressing," which is for my chapbook about raising Oliver.

Day 7: Josh and I got to spend the morning together. I wrote a poem called "Vacuum," another Oliver poem. I got back to reading Wounds. I finished reading two more of the stories. I have one story left and then two novellas. I returned Revelator to the library. Book by book.

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