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Wednesday, October 9, 2019

What I Love, Appreciate, and Admire about My Mama: Part 2.

21. She calms me and helps me see problems and solutions more clearly when I'm too panicked or confused to figure out my next move.
22. She loves Sleeping Beauty. We need to watch it together.
23. She accepts me even when she doesn't understand me.
24. She has researched, read books, and gone to classes to better understand the illness I share with other close relatives.
25. She cleans so quickly and (seemingly) easily.
26. She cuts and dyes my hair. It always feels like a bonding experience, and it's free!
27. She seems to have a talent for everything she tries.
28. She draws beautifully. I'd like to see her draw more.
29. She appreciates paper dolls.
30. She loves Madame Alexander dolls.
31. Her clothes or accessories always have unique touches.
32. When I was a high school junior, she said, "Maybe you don't need to go to college. Maybe you need to try to get a [literary] agent." I didn't go in that direction then, but I felt so accepted and validated. She took my writing seriously.
33. She can usually answer medical questions.
34. She can tell when I'm in a mood swing or starting a panic attack, sometimes before I can tell what's wrong.
35. She knows when to say, "That's the illness talking," or "Your brain is lying to you." Somehow, when I'm in a really bad place, that doesn't even occur to me.
36. Several years ago now, she said, "Maybe going off the meds shouldn't be your goal." Such weight lifted! She accepted that I was ill (we didn't yet know how ill), and she was going to encourage me to seek treatment and maintain it. For me, it changed our relationship, and it changed my life.
37. All shoes look good on her.
38. When something difficult is happening, she comes here to help me.
39. She helped me to get Oliver into Pre-K and to get his autism diagnosis.
40. She picks up where I run out of words.

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