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Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Restoration: Week 27.

Reading almost always restores me. I've been reading about bipolar disorder in an MD's memoir (Mark Vonnegut). This restores me by reminding me that my illness is real and that I'm not alone. Acknowledging my illness restores me because I remember that life isn't supposed to be this hard every day and that I'm doing pretty well under the circumstances.

It's silly how much a funny video can improve my mind. I want to laugh as much as possible.

I'm working toward reading a short story each day for the summer. Stories can be intriguing and restorative--little treasures filling a collection, a treasure chest.

Josh's parents came to visit, and Oliver was so excited. Seeing him happy and affectionate heals my heart. If nothing else, we've helped him become a loving little guy.

I went swimming with the boys! Oliver is a wild swimmer and loves to jump in the pool. Swimming was not as easy as it used to be, but I enjoyed it. I want to do a lot of swimming this summer. The water seems to restore my body and mood.

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