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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Restoration: Week 25.

This past week, I got to see two movies, one at Bruce's and one at the IMAX: Jurassic World and JW Fallen Kingdom. They were intense and fun. I remember seeing the first movie in the theater with my dad. I'm glad I've been able to see movies; they recharge me. And Bruce and I can put away a lot of popcorn.

Bruce and I gave each other bath products for our birthdays, so I've been having some restorative soaks. Bruce also gave me a lilac Wallflower--the remembered my saying that I'd fallen for the scent. I put the Wallflower in the bathroom, but I can smell lilacs at the front door. It's one of Mom's favorite scents, so it makes me think of her. And how did I take so long to discover the fragrance? It makes me feel calm and mindful.

I painted my nails. I hate doing it, but I like the result. I've used some eye makeup I've neglected lately. This past week, I've had sweet moments of feeling pretty.

I had to switch therapists, so I had my first appointment with the new one on Tuesday. I hope that proves to be restorative.

I did write one poem this past week! That suggests I'm at least a little restored.

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