I turned 28 yesterday. This is the first birthday that has bothered me. But I remind myself that I probably shouldn't have seen 27, and my mom reminded me that I have a pretty great life for 28.
My usual birthday-time practice is to look back on the year and see how I made use of it, how I earned my birthday, what was worthwhile. I'm often surprised over how much I've actually done. I accomplished and endured so much when I was 26, but 27 was probably more impressive than I realize.
- I taught a total of 15 college courses, 3 of them in the summer.
- I taught my first literature course.
- I taught a literature course that I designed from the concept up.
- I introduced students to the kind of literature that is being born right now, and they were amazed.
- I taught creative writing for the third time, having made improvements I feel good about.
- I dealt with a scary fire (arson) that wrecked my apartment building and threatened my boys.
- I researched, documented, and organized detailed information for our renter's insurance, and the adjustors were impressed with the work. I never want to do that again.
- I moved--only to a different apartment this time.
- I started moving away from the college-student, hand-me-down way of decorating and chose my own replacement furniture.
- I bought a living room set from Pottery Barn! Whoa!
- I set up a sweet, open room for Oliver.
- I made home colorful.
- I taught a seminar on English in the workplace to all the faculty, staff, and administration at my college. And even the welding instructors said they enjoyed it.
- I read 48 books.
- I read 5 independent reader books aloud to Oliver.
- I decided that I needed to read more short stories, and I read 12 books of them.
- I wrote some new poems and stories and revised some old ones.
- I probably filled 10 journals (I don't feel like going through them!).
- I put together a literary magazine by myself...in a week...and didn't explode.
- I got my critical thinking students to understand logical fallacies...sort of.
- I went to my first conference.
- I finished some 36 hours of professional development.
- I had my first two short story publications.
- I finished 14 months of breastfeeding.
- I supported a family of three.
- I supported my husband in beginning his work on a master's degree.
- I grew my hair long after years of keeping in short (partly in response to a tragedy).
- I got my Snow White hair! That's one off the 30 before 30 list.
- I got through another terrible tragedy without cutting my hair or losing my mind.
- I missed six days of work due to said tragedy and pneumonia--it's amazing that I could bear to do this.
- I handled someone's huge confession with calm, loving acceptance and encouragement.
- I gave good advice even though the situation terrified me.
- Josh and I left Oliver alone with someone else while we went to the doctor. Also amazing though necessary.
- I got comfortable with a new office mate.
- I listened to and comforted students who needed to share their heart-breaking and horrifying stories.
- I was open about my depression and sought help from doctors and from the people who love me most.
- I made a friend. I pushed it! Me!
- I withstood numerous instincts to bolt from said friendship.
- I formed a deep new bond and trust.
- I told most of my hardest stories in detail, and in the process, I wrote them down.
- I started carpooling to work. Me? Comfortable stuck with someone for a couple of hours a day? While I'm driving? Amazing but true.
- I managed conflicts without completely freaking out.
- I push myself to learn (again) how to communicate my needs and feelings clearly.
- I rebuilt a lot of the memory, concentration, and problem-solving skills that left me after Oliver was born.
- I helped a human learn to say words.
- I watched a human learn to walk, dance, and run.
- I balanced taking care of my son while not pretending that I don't have feelings and struggles.
- I maintained a strong, connected marriage.
- I gave audiobooks another chance.
- I invited a non-relative to my house...and had fun.
- I didn't give up during long-term, heavy depression and anxiety.
- I started to get better.