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Thursday, April 26, 2018

32 Things.

In the musical On Your Feet, a young Gloria Estefan speaks to her mother, who says, "You're 19; you know 19 things. I'm 48, so I know 48 things." I wonder if I know 32 things. I just had to confirm my age, so maybe not. What have I learned?
  1. Reading expands and sharpens the mind.
  2. Writing can heal.
  3. God is real and attentive.
  4. Faith is enough.
  5. Jesus is redemption.
  6. God loves everyone.
  7. Mental illness is real.
  8. I'm not as smart as I thought I was.
  9. I was a good teacher.
  10. Autism is an astounding struggle.
  11. Occupational therapy can be highly effective.
  12. Almost everyone could probably use some therapy.
  13. To-do and goal lists are essential.
  14. Avocado and asparagus are strangely delicious.
  15. Education is worth it.
  16. I have a few people who will pick me up no matter what.
  17. Stepparents can be awesome.
  18. Books make a home.
  19. Josh and I were meant to be together--but that doesn't mean we can't screw it up.
  20. No one can defeat mental illness by willpower alone.
  21. Parenting is really hard--with moments that glimmer.
  22. Comedy is vital to sanity.
  23. Sharing comedy is a great joy.
  24. I'm going to meet my reading goal this year!
  25. Musicals can shine up the soul.
  26. Journaling is more than worth the effort.
  27. Movies can open the mind and reinforce relationships.
  28. My mom would defend me fiercely. 
  29. Everyone needs expression through some form of art.
  30. People need various arts in their daily lives--music in the car, a book of paintings after dinner, a novel before bed...
  31. Poetry is a soul language.
  32. Love should be the focus. 

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