On Wednesday, I flipped my desk calendar and realized, yes, it's this weekend. Last weekend was fun, absolutely, but it wasn't restful. Normally, it might have been, but in my current state, I just found myself nearly falling asleep at dinner. So I'm giddily grateful that this three-day weekend is upon us. Three-day weekends are still rather amazing to me because in most jobs I've had, they didn't exist. Labor Day meant more book-shoppers or burger-diners. Even two-day weekends were rare and might happen mid-week.
What makes a three-day weekend so marvelous? One wonder is the sandwich day, Sunday in this case. Most weekends don't get that day when one's already begun to benefit from one day off and still has another day off to enjoy. The sandwich day has a unique serenity.
This week, I've accomplished very little outside work. I did have one or two nesting bursts, but I still have much to do, and I've all but missed just about everything else. I've been so tired. I don't know if this is from having a busy weekend or from the progression toward delivery. Probably both.
(Image: http://relatableblog.com/page/3)
In any case, this three-day weekend represents a great hope that, at least at some point, I may recover a little energy. I want to go grocery shopping with Josh after he deals with our most recent flat tire. I haven't gone in weeks, and I do kind of like to go. I want to look at the baby section because I have this feeling I'm forgetting important items we need.
I want to finish the book I'm reading, Howard's End is on the Landing. I've never read anything else by (or even heard of) Susan Hill. I often discover writers by reading their memoirs, diaries, or books on writing first (Stephen King, though I haven't read anything besides On Writing; Susan Sontag, nothing besides the diary yet; Joyce Carol Oates, a novel and a book of stories since the journal...). This book is about reading and about possessing books. It's the kind of book one reads to get inspired to read more. The constant casual name-dropping is a little irritating...this person has not only read just about everything but has also met just about everyone who wrote everything...but I still find the chapter-by-chapter focuses fascinating.
I want to cook, maybe. Maybe I'll make egg salad for the weekend or pasta salad for the week. I've missed brown rice and asparagus.
I want to watch a movie. The last one was Never Let Me Go. I start to feel mentally dull and spiritually incomplete quickly if I'm not reading, and this happens to a slower, lesser extent with films.
I want to continue nesting, both for Oliver specifically and around the house in general.
I want to catch up my journal and blog. This week, the blog has been fashion-focused. I had several outfit posts ready, and I just couldn't think (or sit up) long enough to write anything else. I definitely have a shower post to write! I have other ideas; I just have poor execution these days.
Three days for all this to happen. It's okay if it doesn't, but I like the possibility. Even if I'm in a coma all day Saturday, maybe sandwich day will revive me. Three days with Josh in our quiet house (and in reference to the Audrey quotation above, being with Josh is the same as being alone). Three muffin mornings. One more morning of work, and all this is mine.
(Image: http://therawpower.blogspot.com/)
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