*Along with the groceries, Josh brought home four ballpoint pens--green, blue, pink, and purple--for me for no reason.
*We found our current love letter notebook and have begun writing in it again.
*Oliver's musical fish toy lulled him to sleep for half an hour.
*Oliver's feet, which are sometimes red and sometimes white.
*Josh has been working hard to let me nap or sleep in.
*Josh likes pushing Oliver's stroller and looks good doing it.
*Johnson's head-to-toe baby wash in tiny travel bottles.
*Green leafy Puff tissue boxes with hummingbirds.
*Eight packs of Puffs.
*Giving into that sleepy, warm, fluffy feeling, even if only for five minutes.
*Italian/Mexican wedding cookies.
*Finding out that my grandmother (who is largely a mystery to me) also loved those wedding cookies.
*Being cold at night and remembering that Josh already set up the electric blanket.
*Finding a fleece duck outfit for Oliver. It reminds me of the preemie duck outfit he wore (I'm keeping that one in my top dresser drawer).
*Green nail polish that's actually pretty.
*My hair finally being long enough to wear down without it covering my face.
*Rediscovering a great pair of earrings I'd forgotten.
*A husband who will untangle new necklaces.
*Wearing something new, clothing or accessory.
*Oliver's sleep smiles.
*Remembering that blogs don't have to be long and then finishing one.
*The scent of wood burning.
*Oliver's sapphire eyes in buttermilk skin.
*Oliver's sweet contentment when he has a bath.
*Josh calling Oliver Gorgeous.
*Seeing Oliver grasp a plastic ring or a toy.
*My mom's style.
*Anything sparkly anyone wears.
*Josh using the Doctor Who pocket watch I gave him for Christmas in 2010.
*Hearing Josh say, "Will you kick a monkey or slap a lion?" when he puts Oliver on his toy-dangling playmat.
*Remembering James's (my brother's) "puppy mat"--a red nap mat with Disney Dalmatians on it.
*Designer Disney princesses.
*Going to Barnes after a long time and seeing journals I've never seen.
*Buying a journal even though I have plenty waiting.
*Noticing a theme in gifts.
*Chocolate peanut butter cookies (Girl Scout-style, but cheap).
*Freezing a Dr. Pepper until just a little ice forms near the top.
*Oliver's ability to raise one eyebrow.
*Our impressive supply of size 2 diapers (we'll see if we use them all).
*Seeing Oliver get chubby and knowing that I put the chub there.
*The special moments when Oliver wants to play.
*Picking up a journal and reading something happy from it at random.
*The way Oliver smiles at the photo of me over Josh's nightstand.
*Josh's Facebook PDAs.
*Unpacking presents.
*Getting late presents that took forever to ship.
*Seeing Josh carry an empty laundry basket out of the bedroom.
*Having a stack of unread magazines and thinking that someday, I might read them in fast succession.
*Seeing a great movie, wishing it weren't over, and finding out that it's based on a book. Books give more!
*Hearing Josh speak fondly of a movie we've watched together.
*Seeing Josh's look of surprise when I compliment him.
*Listening to Josh read a story to Oliver and watching as Oliver listens quietly and gazes at the illustrations.
*Remembering to read while nursing.
*Oliver's yellow and blue star pajamas.
*Changing the background on my work E-mail from generic, medical blue to silvery green.
*The Bic "For Her" (weird) pens Josh got for me when he was grocery shopping. They're pink and purple and pearly white and have smooth colored ink, white swirly designs, and jewel clicky tops.
*Remembering "clicky tops and twisty bottoms" from Scrubs.
*Oliver grasping one of his colorful rings.
*Oliver gazing at or touching his musical seahorse. I love that he's beginning to notice toys.
*Having more than enough milk in the fridge.
*Francesca Lia Block's new book, Pink Smog, especially since I pre-ordered it and forgot, so it just arrived like a surprise.
*The way Oliver spreads out his fingers when he sucks his thumb.
*Hearing Josh talking to Oliver over the monitor.
*The possibilities of so many books to read.
*Getting into the pace and habit of reading, so it flows.
*Baked cheddar and sour cream Ruffles.
*Josh putting tiny love notes in my lunchbox.
*The way Oliver now grasps his hands like he's thinking, praying, or hoping.
*$1 Mary Engelbreit stationery at Michaels. I have so many more cards than I'll ever use.
*Letters in colored envelopes.
*Picking up Panera on the weekends.
*Remembering I have half a Panera sandwich leftover.
*Opening a pack I haven't unpacked and seeing so many colorful bits I like and remember.
*The tiny, dark purple glass bottle on my desk.
*A catered box lunch with a sandwich, brownies, and tiny cups of fruit and pasta salad.
*Brown eyeliner with gold glitter.
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