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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Last Day of Twenty-Six.

Just before my birthday each year, I like to ponder what I've accomplished and enjoyed. I do this to feel like I've earned the year and am ready for another.

While I have been twenty-six, I've

*read twenty-seven books
*read six long books to my son and love
*filled several journals (I'm not sure how many because we are rearranged bookcases)
*earned my first two short story acceptances
*taught Creative Writing with a team and on my own
*created a campus literary magazine
*given a presentation to a college's entire faculty, staff, and administration
*finished one editing contract and accepted an offer of another
*taught Composition Strategies for the first time
*taught Critical Thinking for the first time
*taught Oral Communication for the first time
*built online content for several courses
*taught or finished teaching sixteen course sections
*established (I think) a good professional reputation and good work connections
*maintained my comfort in and enjoyment of my job despite challenges and anxieties 
*signed up for my first conference
*advised dozens of students
*trying new technology (including switching from marker-on-the-board to laptop projector in class, grading on an iPad, and teaching an interactive Television course)
*attended several readings and lectures
*supported myself and two other people
*maintained this blog despite time, health, and mood challenges
*not lost my mind while watching each of my parents start a new marriage
*unpacked two houses
*decorated two rooms for Oliver
*moved to and started to truly live in a town I love
*walked to, checked out books from, and spent working time at a library frequently
*snuggled by fires in our own fireplace, gazed at a pond from our own balcony, and gone swimming in our own (well, the complex's) indoor, heated pool 
*started swimming or walking frequently
*become more patient
*dyed my hair red (well, my mom dyed it)
*added fun and color (mint! rose! pink!) to my work wardrobe
*found a pink purse and comfortable, sparkly, silver shoes about which I am crazy
*replaced casual summer clothes that were five to ten years old (actually allowing myself to buy non-work clothes!)
*paid off our credit card debt
*paid off our medical bills
*finally watched Flight of the Conchords
*eaten Lebanese food
*eaten Panera frequently
*managed to look pretty cute and feel pretty confident while pregnant
*never missed a day of work through an entire pregnancy
*finished growing a human
*gave birth to my son
*gave birth with Pitocin and without an epidural
*endured not pushing
*saved my son
*endured a manual placenta removal while conscious and without pain medication
*recovered from surgery
*recovered from HELLP syndrome
*recovered from the most physically, directly difficult and frightening experience I've had--something I never would have thought I could bear
*not died despite a life-threatening illness (!) 
*returned to work three weeks later  
*acknowledged my postpartum depression and started my recovery
*taught my baby to give kisses
*helped my son learn to laugh
*heard my son say, "Mama"
*savored hugs from my son
*celebrated my son's first Christmas
*celebrated my first Mother's Day
*taken my son for his first swim, to his first park, for his first swing on a swing set, to his first restaurant and ice cream shop...
*breastfed (almost exclusively) for over eight months
*given, probably, the best (material) gift I've ever given
*watched my love become a achingly kind and committed father
*strengthened, repaired, and improved my marriage
*celebrated my six year anniversary and my fifth wedding anniversary

Okay. My birthday can come.


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