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Monday, June 6, 2016

Exchanging Books.

I've thought it would be interesting for Josh and I to choosing books the other should read over the next year. I like the idea, but he might choose books that are too difficult or disturbing for me, and he might not like what I choose either. But I guess that branching out is the point. Books could shape one's mind and refine a personality, challenge the reader, or simply help the reader better understand the other person. 

Here are my ideas for Josh:
  1. Dangerous Angels
  2. The Good Earth
  3. The Sugar Queen
  4. How I Live Now
  5. Jane Eyre
  6. Wuthering Heights
  7. Writing down the Bones
  8. Ghost Girl 
  9. 5 Love Languages
  10. Living a Beautiful Life
This is a pretty good start. 10 might be good for a year the first time; we'd still have plenty of time for our own books. Just for fun, I'll ask Josh which books he would choose for me.

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