I love the thought of buying more books. But I have to finish at least one before I buy another. When I finished Night Sister, I immediately ordered another novel by Jennifer McMahon. I'll probably want to read all her books.
Ideally, I'll give away or sell (to 2nd and Charles) a book before I buy another. I want to have more of an in-and-out system with my books, holding onto my dearest and most useful ones (and the ones I haven't read yet--which is a great number!). I no longer feel the need to keep all of the books I've read.
Amazon sells most used books for as little at 1 cent plus $3.99 shipping. $4! We get most of our books this way.
But there is an enchantment to wandering through a bookstore, finding a treasure, and buying it directly. This should happen occasionally. It's just thrilling. Ask or Barnes gift cards, so you can buy books on-site without guilt.
How do you get and keep your books?
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