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Friday, September 8, 2017

1,000 Joys: Part 3.

  1. Thunder--when I'm indoors
  2. The fragments of color in a faux opal
  3. Good morning texts from Bruce every day
  4. Colorful cardstock paper
  5. Water on my neck and arms after a walk
  6. Oliver's muttering while he eats
  7. Cold water from the fridge in the middle of the night
  8. Josh's saying, "That's fantastic," when something's really funny
  9. Michael Crawford's voice
  10. Billy Joel's voice
  11. Kevin Spacey in general
  12. Oliver's arranging his shoes and socks just so after taking them off
  13. The memorable texture of my dearest friend Keely's hair
  14. Smelling like bubble bath
  15. Jeremy Sumpter as Peter Pan--perfect!
  16. A burning scented candle
  17. Having everything in my Google calendar
  18. Pink polka dots
  19. Having a husband who is a super reader (even if I envy him)
  20. Easy left turns--real gifts!
  21. Looking at journals at Barnes
  22. Peter Pauper Press journals
  23. Mermaid stickers
  24. Magic Shell
  25. Red and pink hearts

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