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Friday, July 29, 2011

Apparently, This Is Really Going to Happen.

I've learned that I should never boast...ever, but particularly during pregnancy. Just the other day, I was talking about how glad I was that I hadn't had any constipation problems...probably due to my devotion to water, grains, and fruit. Well! This week, that changed (back to my oatmeal+apple juice power breakfast), and the H word showed up. As if I weren't already uncomfortable. Advice for pregnant or to-be-pregnant someday women: Colace is safe for pregnancy as it's not actually a laxative, and it makes life much, much easier.

And boy, have I been uncomfortable! Shortness of breath is almost a constant, and I just hurt all over--sides, front, back...round ligament pain is probably part of it. My hands and heels ache in the morning with swelling. My arms fall asleep from lying awkwardly on my side. Even the precious hiccups and kicks are starting to get startling. He's been kicking my ribs, which is an indescribable sensation. Still, I'm not yet saying, "I'm tired of being pregnant." I've added another pillow to my collection: this one is Josh's flat Carolina Panthers pillow, and it supports my stomach.

I realized that I was nineteen days early, and my brother was twenty-five days early. Hmmm. On Sunday, I began having contractions that I could actually feel from start to finish. Josh strapped on the purple watch (complete with seconds and timer) and took out his Carpe Diem journal to time contractions. They lasted for about an hour and a half and were usually one and a half to two and a half minutes apart. I don't think I had any that were over thirty seconds, and they were mostly just a few seconds. In the middle, they started getting period cramps. I wouldn't say they were like bad period cramps (I've had the vomit, weep, long for the sweet release of death variety). Then, they spaced out to four minutes apart or so and just went away. I had a couple more random ones that day and in days since.

I didn't think this was weird until I mentioned it to a couple of people. Apparently, they shouldn't be that close or go on for that long. Hmmm. I spoke to my mom, though, and she said she basically had them the whole last trimester with both of us, sometimes every minute. Okay, that's good. But then again, we were both early. At least I really know (I think) how contractions feel now. I had no idea.

In any case, everything seems all right for now, but the experience made me realize that we have a lot more preparation to complete. Some of this is beyond our control as my next shower is a month away. But we did pull down a black roll-on suitcase we don't normally use and PACK THE BAG. Here's what we've put in:

*Long maternity tunic top and maternity leggings for a comfy going home outfit.
*Tennis shoes (who knows what I'll be wearing when we go).
*Shea butter socks.
*Slip-proof slipper socks.
*Cozy going home socks.
*The pads I usually like.
*Overnight pads. More realistic.
*Tucks. I've read they're a good idea (I'm also glad I asked Josh to buy two containers since, you know, I should boast. Ever).
*Bra. In case I'm in my pajamas when we go.
*Two pair of maternity unders.
*Pants, unders, socks, and two shirts for Josh. I tried to persuade him to bring sweats, but in reality, he probably won't do much relaxing.

*Antibacterial gel for baby visitors (and us).
*Toothbrushes for each of us.
*Philosophy Melting Marshmallow shampoo/body wash/bubble bath, lotion, and lip gloss. The scent comforts me.
*Deodorant we can both use.
*Face wash.
*Burt's Bees coconut foot lotion. Foot massage, perhaps?
*B&BW Sweet Pea body spray. I may want to make myself...or the room...smell less disgusting.
*Travel brush.
*Cloth headband.
*Hair elastic.
*Batteries for camera.
*Magazines. I saved a few.
*Mandy by Julie Andrews Edwards, one of my favorite children's "chapter books." I may want Josh to read some of it to me. It's very soothing, and I've visualized the scenes so many times.
*Black nightgown.
*Gray maternity/nursing pajama set (pants, tank, mini robe).
*Grocery bags for dirty clothes.

*Cover Girl Simply Powder foundation (in palest Ivory, of course). I probably won't feel like putting on makeup, but I want to have it just in case I do. This will be easy to put on. Even if I don't use it there, I'll like having it when I return to work and am too bleary-eyed to apply the liquid stuff.
*Sephora white shimmer. A little sparkle usually makes me feel better, so I may as well have some just in case I want it.
*Benefit Valley of the Stars set (white and tan eyeshadow, pink lip gloss, Hi-Beam and Moon Beam highlighters). It's cute if nothing else, and it was a surprise present from my mommy.

I probably won't touch much of this, but I'd rather have extras than want something and not have it. The bag is now in the trunk of my car. Stayed tuned--we still have to pack the diaper bag with Oliver's gear.

Random note: I feel like I need some kind of tummy scarf. My belly is always cold because it doesn't fit in most of my lounge-y pants and pops out of most of my shirts. 

Meanwhile, I see the crib through the door every morning. Sometimes, I have to go touch it and lean over it. Wow.

 I tried to explain to Corvette (aka Tiny) that she really doesn't want to go to the hospital with us.

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