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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Two Trimesters.

Here's a little overview of pregnancy so far.

First trimester

-Maximum breast pain. This was my first symptom. I felt like I had a localized fever. It kept me awake, and I couldn't move. I thought I had some kind of infection.

-Metal mouth. This was the second sign.

-Late. We'd gotten our hopes up so many times that we didn't really pay attention.

-Positive test. I took a test when I was about four days late. When I saw the instant, dark line, I felt oddly calm as if I'd known all along.

-Extreme need for water.

-Miserable nausea. I never threw up, which scared me. But I felt seasick all the time.

-Hunger/food aversion. This was weird. I sometimes nibbled constantly to keep nausea at bay (if I let my stomach get empty, I couldn't eat at all, which only made everything worse). But sometimes, every form of nutrition on the planet was utterly disgusting.

-Acne and dry skin.

-Spidey sense: acute sense of smell (often unpleasant).

-Extreme fatigue. I could get through work okay, but that was it. Josh completely took over the house work and most of the food prep. One good part of this was that I got back into reading, spending the whole weekend in bed with books. 

-Cravings: juice, oranges, vegetables, seafood.

-Extreme burping.

-Sore ribs.

-Peeling tongue. Gross. I don't know why.

-Nightmares and vivid, depressing dreams. Also, vivid, detailed dreams in general.

-Less fear (being alone in the house, watching scary movies...).

-Almost immediate pooch.

-Bathroom every hour. I just had to make peace with this. Luckily, my office is right beside the faculty restroom.

-The animals know. One of my cats and one of my mom's bunnies began staring at and touching my belly.

-Steady weight gain: about 12 pounds.

Second Trimester

-Belly band no longer sufficient.

-Metal mouth becomes almost unbearable.

-Heartburn. Extreme burping continues.

-Extreme need for water.

-Skin improves.

-Some round ligament pain.

-Lingering fatigue and occasional nausea. I was bummed that I didn't experience instant well-being. But I did feel better because a miscarriage was so unlikely, and we'd heard our baby's heartbeat.

-Cravings: cold, shredded cheese, sweets, guacamole.

-More openness to fruits, vegetables, and new combinations.

-Occasional sciatica; plenty of lower back soreness.

-Felt first movements at 16 weeks. These are like pulses at first and then become more obvious. Oliver responds to voices and touch.

-Starting to feel better and less starving. I was amazed when I felt good while doing the dishes. Before, that would have been basically impossible.

-First startle responses (thunder, gunshots on movie, hairdryer).

-Baby hiccups.

-Extreme tension and pain around shoulder blades.

-Sudden major need for a larger bra. This seriously seemed to happen over a couple of days.

-Occasional foot swelling after a lot of heat or driving.

-Weight gain toward end: about 8 pounds.

Third Trimester, so far

-Some major ankle and foot swelling.

-More round ligament pain and sciatica.

-Peeling tongue returns.

-Extreme burping continues.

-Bathroom sometimes necessary within minutes.

-No nausea.

-Extreme need for water.

-Back hurts easily.

-Extreme sleepiness (not really body tiredness).

-Belly button almost gone. Bump quite prominent.

-Sore ribs.

-Cravings: guacamole, some sweets, juice, strawberries, grapes, cherries.

-Difficulty finding comfortable sleeping positions. Spooning Josh and hooking a leg over his hip seems to stabilize me and take pressure off my bladder (this may sound sexier than it is. Oliver takes the opportunity to kick Josh repeatedly in the back).

-Ability to feel Oliver rolling and "pedaling" legs. Kicks more visible.

-Frequent, long bouts of baby hiccups.

-Metal mouth continues but some improvement.

-Spidey sense returns but may not be real. I smelled burnt waffles in the middle of the night. Josh didn't smell them.

-Fewer dreams.

-Some finger swelling.

-Weight gain so far: about 5 pounds.

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