"Bring us an elf this time girl." ~Francesca Lia Block, "The Garden Speaks"
Oliver means elf army. I love the strength and the fantasy in that. I want to raise a boy who will be a blend of gentleness, magic, and might. I also love the name Oliver because it will be darling when he's a boy but dignified when he's a man. It is amazing to think that this tiny rippling seahorse of a baby will one day be a grown man who may fall in love and make his own babies. So much magic and love made him. I want to make sure he knows that every single day of his life while I'm here. (Image: http://www.tumblr.com/reblog/6170883614/UalGvIfe?redirect_to=%2Fdashboard%2F8%2F6171187884%3Flite)
I am so happy for you and Josh! You are going to be a wonderful mother Becky!