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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Last Day of 25.

Every year, just before my birthday, I think about what I've accomplished in the previous year and whether or not I've earned my birthday. Some years, I've had impressive accomplishments like reading 100 books, finishing my MFA, or filling my 100th journal. Some years, just surviving has been a feat.

25 Years Old (in no particular order)

*Taught two double-time summer courses right after my miscarriage.

*Applied for a full-time teaching position...and endured two nerve-wracking interviews for it...and got it.

*Taught three new classes and began a fourth new one.

*Taught my first full school year of college.

*Advised and registered students for the first time.

*Had my first official tutoring gig.

*Wrote my first university recommendation letter.

*Bought my first suits.

*Attended my first graduation ceremony as faculty.

*Bought beautiful bedclothes.

*Gained new family members.

*Went to prom, pregnant, under proper circumstances.

*Read two Dodie Smith books I didn't know existed (one of which I discovered when I was just browsing in the campus library).

*Read some of my most difficult and personal poems in public.

*Finally captured a memory of my mother's perfume in a poem.

*Published my first tiny piece of fiction.

*Sold a poem for $8.88--the most I've made!

*Helped design a creative writing class.

*Helped organize two poetry readings.

*Gave my first reading introduction (for someone who was an important teacher to me).

*Started a blog.

*Sang in front of people I didn't know.

*Kept journaling despite nausea, exhaustion, and crazy work.

*Kept reading despite the above, moving from one book in January to three or four books a month.

*Got back in touch with how vital books are.

*Probably bought the best Christmas present I've ever bought (a Doctor Who chameleon arch pocket watch replica for Josh).

*Received one of the best gifts I've received (a Doctor Who River Song Tardis journal replica...which I promptly filled).

*Had a picnic at the Mint Museum of Art with two of my best buds--Josh and Mama.

*Made spinach and artichoke dip by myself.

*Saw a musical I hadn't seen before and to which I didn't know all the words (Young Frankenstein).

Celebrated my fourth wedding anniversary.

*Went to a wedding.

*Met my best NC friend's baby.

*Moved to the town where my baby will be born (or, rather, will live. The hospital is in another city).

*Made a baby.

*Saw my baby on two ultrasounds.

*Named a human.

*Felt my baby move.

*Had 24 healthy weeks of pregnancy.

*Read my first "chapter book" to my son.

Wow. I thought I'd have a list of about five little wonderments. But when I started thinking, I realized that I've done quite a bit. You should try making a list like this too.


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