(Image: http://www.polyvore.com/this_is_so_me_lt/collection?id=700366)
*A caramel ice cream sundae and a root beer. Right now.
*A purple velvet chaise lounge.
*Some magical way of storing and organizing my hundreds of books (for which I don't have room!).
(Image: http://www.fanpop.com/spots/beautiful-pictures/images/22520726/title/3-photo)
*To like hot tea and cotton candy (so refined and literary, and so cheerful...but I just don't really like them.
*Natural and manageable curls.
* To have high tea regularly (hot tea is only a fraction of the experience).
(Image: http://www.sweetasacandy.com/2010/03/alice-in-wonderland.html)
*A fireplace.
*Perfect bubble bath (that bubbles richly and stays bubbly!) and limitless hot water.
*A free-standing tub with a "desk."
(Image: http://caroline-emmy.tumblr.com/page/6)
*Limitless back massage skills and hand strength for Josh.
*Perfectly clear skin.
*To see a mermaid.
(Image: http://weheartit.com/entry/10874064)
*A charm bracelet with tiny perfume bottles.
*A brief stint as the lead singer of a rock band.
*The blessing/curse a character in Sarah Addison Allen's Sugar Queen had: the perfect book for her in that situation and moment always appeared to her and followed her around.
(Image: http://my-dreams-are-with-you.tumblr.com/page/94)
*Scented gel pens. They no longer seem to exist.
*The sudden ability to play the piano.
*For merely tolerating one's spouse no longer to be (or at least appear to be) the fashion (I'll probably have a whole blog just on that).
(Image: http://weheartit.com/entry/9833088)
*Chanel eyeglasses.
*A Gelly Roll MegaDisplay.
*For Hard Candy makeup to return in its original form. I especially miss the delectable eyeshadow quartets.
(Image: http://www02.totalbeauty.ml.zerolag.com)
*Matching going-home clothes for the three of us.
*To stay in the Cinderella suite.
*A fountain pen that won't break or malfunction.
(Image: http://www.tumblr.com/tumblelog/opiumcherub/2)
*Glittery cupcake candles, just to set out. Cupcakes all the time!
*A completely self-paced Ph.D. program at a fancy pants school.
*Long hair without having to wait for it.
(Image: http://turnofthecentury.tumblr.com/page/415)
*Framed prints of my favorite Tasha Tudor art.
*Moving fairies and house-cleaning fairies. And possibly grading fairies.
*Madame Alexander's 10 inch Jo Goes to New York trunk set (impossible to find!).
(Image: http://www.amazon.com/Goes-New-York-Trunk-Limited/dp/B000FNT0BM)
*To play a Disney princess for one day at DisneyWorld.
*The following in my town: an aquarium, Target, and Barnes and Noble.
*Swiss chocolate mousse on a regular basis.
(Image: http://glamfairy.tumblr.com/)
*A set of matching, princess-y white bookshelves (maybe like this).
*Framed prints of the best (human) Disney mothers: Sleeping Beauty's mother and Mrs. Darling.
*Journals that look like those bejeweled Disney story books (like the ones at the beginning of Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty).
(Image: http://alexa23.tumblr.com/)
(Image: http://xglitterheartsx.tumblr.com/post/3877700327)
*A limitless attention span for even difficult reading.
*To love all fruits and vegetables.
*An aquarium of seahorses and someone to come take care of them (they aren't easy!).
(Image: http://www.flickr.com/photos/49156674@N04/4504362796/sizes/l/)
*For fruits and vegetables not to go bad before I finish them.
*For Oliver to always feel both responsible and safe.
*To remember only my beautiful dreams (in all their detail) every morning.
(Image: http://gliterrosa.tumblr.com/page/2)
All sound lovely! I still have scented gel pens from my childhood, sadly unused now though! Zoe x