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Saturday, February 26, 2022

Stillness & Attention: Week 8.

Day 1: "Read a thousand books and your words will flow like a river." ~Virginia Woolf

That's what I'm trying to do. I'm at 854 books now. 

Josh's mom came to visit us. She brought Hornets apparel, thermal shirts, a beautiful shark quilt, lavender bath items, a tan Denik journal with white floral embroidery, Till We Have Faces, and Marmee & Louisa (which NPR called one of the top ten books of the year!). I hope to read the books soon; I've been wanting to try more biographies. Susan usually buys us books from our GoodReads want-to-read lists, but Josh still isn't reading. 

I finished reading chapters 2 and 3 of Peter Pan and Wendy to the boys this evening. 

Day 2: I'm writing with the last Crayola Take Note pen, this one purple with blue glitter. I wrote a poem called "Intro to Lit." It's my ninth poem this month! I'm hoping to have a new collection manuscript at the end of the year. Josh has already given me a title--a line from the first poem I wrote this month.

I finished Locke & Key 4 today, Keys to the Kingdom. I made another purchase request with the library. And I submitted a flash fiction story and a microfiction story to an anthology contest! Now, I'm writing with a purple Whaline Outliner, which is just like Gelly Roll Silver Shadow, but it doesn't bleed through the paper and it comes in more colors. Two good friends got me sets of these. They're a favorite. Amazon isn't selling them at this moment, but I'm keeping them on my NoBuy2022 list. 

I'm several poems into Best American Poetry 2021. I'd like to finish the book next week. Reading poems definitely sparks my writing poems. The book I requested is Ama Codjoe's chapbook--I'm savoring her poem in BAP.

Day 3: I'm writing with a Pentel Krazy Pop pen, dark blue with gold glitter. Krazy Pops and Sparkle Pops are some of the best pens, and this pen is one of my favorites. 

Oliver is home for Presidents Day. He just had a smallish meltdown; he threw his tablet (twice, after which I put it away) and the dust vac. But he seems to be calming down. He keeps asking for an episode of Elmo's World, but when I play it, it's apparently not right. I'm not sure he understands "This is all we have." In the past, his meltdowns often included tearing items off the walls, breaking glass, throwing the TV, hitting, and screaming. So this is mild. I'm thankful for that. 

He's now back to playing with his favorite thing: sheet protectors. We discovered this entirely by accident. In our old apartment (where we lived for eight years), Oliver used to shred magazines. We let him do it because it mostly stopped his ripping up books. But it was a terrible mess, and we were always having to find more magazines. We decided that we would not do all that in our townhome. I collect stickers, and I'd just gotten a new pack of sheet protectors to organize them in a binder. I accidentally tore open the package and sent sheet protectors flying everywhere in the guest room. Oliver picked one up, and it was love. Most of the time at home, he has one. He looks through it, feels the corners, tosses and chases it, and swirls it. When he's not playing with them, he takes them back to the guest room, where I've set up a green polka dot bin to hold them. Now, I can have magazines sitting out safely. He often has a sheet protector at school too during breaks. What an odd and excellent discovery.

Josh works late today, so I feel a little lonely. Last night, I went back to A Heart So Fierce and Broken. A Loving Spirit isn't grabbing my attention, so I may read it some other time. I do want to read all of du Maurier's stories and novels. I have four holds waiting at the library, so I need to get these books back. I have more due on March 1. I'll get as far as I can. 

"She loved Thomas dearly, but she knew in her soul there was something waiting for her greater than this love for Thomas. Something strong and primitive, lit with everlasting beauty."

~Daphne du Maurier, The Loving Spirit 12

I like this sentence, but it's not how I feel. Having a child was and is something of an adventure, and I know both grief and joy await me. But I don't feel as if I'm waiting for something bigger than my love for Josh. I just wish I could make him happier. He's in the depression trenches. Being the partner of a severely depressed person feels awfully hopeless. I know I can't fix it for him, and I have no idea what to do.

Day 4: I finished reading A Heart So Fierce and Broken. It only took me a couple of days! Now, I'm eager to read the last book in the series. I want to read three more books this week so I can reach ten books for the month.

I still feel weird about Oliver's teachers, but I think I've done all I can. I called the office to confirm that the re-enrollment papers I sent arrived; they did. I still haven't heard anything new from NCSEAA. 

Day 5: Today, I'm writing with another Krazy Pop pen, pink with blue glitter. Unfortunately, this has been a depressed day. I read a couple more Peter Pan and Wendy chapters to the boys. I got a note from Oliver's teachers about his bringing in 100 items for the 100th day of school. Of course, I stressed over this and didn't know if the items ought to be edible. I found 100 paperclips (blue, lavender, purple, silver swirl) and E-mailed his teacher. She said paperclips were fine, and she thanked me for the classroom gifts I sent (they went to her old address, which was on the wish list, so she didn't get them until today). She said, "We appreciate you beyond belief and love having Oliver in our class!" So that made me feel better. 

Day 6: I spoke to my psychiatrist this morning and told him that the higher dose does seem to be helping. I haven't had major irritability, and my mood has been less erratic. 

I've been setting up my March janner. I've added purple and blue stickers, and I've finished making all the dream boards for the month. 

I've decided that one of my 50 before 50 goals will be to read at least ten Shirley Jackson Award winners. At the moment, I don't have any overdue library books. That won't last. But I read two graphic novels today: The Impending Blindness of Billie Scott and Shortcomings. 

After weeks of listening to Tick, Tick...BOOM! in the car, I've switched back to the Dear Evan Hansen deluxe album. I also listened to some of Sunday in the Park with George while I got ready. I don't know enough Sondheim. 

Day 7: Josh had to work this morning, so we didn't get our time together. But his afternoon meeting did get canceled, so he came home early. I read Locke & Key 5: Clockworks. That brings me to ten books for the month and 22 for the year!

I packed for Oliver. We picked him up and drove him to Rockingham (with a necessary stop at Arby's; oh the craving) to meet my mother. She's keeping him for the weekend because Josh has a marathon tomorrow and I have a show. Oliver was happy to go as usual. I read two more chapters of Peter Pan and Wendy to the boys in the car. I still may be able to finish it this month. 

Josh decided he needed to go ahead and drive to Wilmington tonight, so this is my first night alone in 10+ years. I took a bubble bath, read some poems, scribbled.

I've now avoided frivolous spending for eight weeks! I have far less compulsion to browse, and my desire for new pretty things has abated a lot. I can do this.

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