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Saturday, February 5, 2022

100 (or 40) Day Dress Challenge. Why Not?

I said I would only pursue two goals (NoBuy and 100 books) in 2022, but I'm thinking about adding another. 

The dress is wrinkled, and we definitely need to buy a new dresser/chest (it's on the possibility list for this summer).

Have you heard of the Wool& 100 Day Dress Challenge? I've read a few articles about it, including this one. Emma Beddington from The Guardian did a 40-day (Lent-ish) version. What's the appeal? For some people, it's about sustainability. For others, it's about minimalism. One of the big messages is quality over quantity. Could I wear the same dress for 100 days? I think I could. I could definitely wear it for 40 days, so I'll start there.

I don't have a super nice dress to wear for the challenge, so I'm going simple: a solid black cotton swing tank dress similar to this. It works when it's warm (slip-on glitter shoes) or cold (cardigan, tights). I can dress it up for going to the theatre or down for picking up Oliver from school. Since this dress is from Old Navy and I think I paid $20 for it, it is possible that it will fall apart. So my challenge is this:

Wear the same dress for 40-100 days or until the dress is unwearable. 

I may be surprised as Old Navy will sometimes carry a great piece. I will miss the dress if it falls apart, but Old Navy usually has a version of it, so I can buy another next year. Part of the appeal for me is that I want to enjoy my collections of shoes, jewelry, and makeup. While it's cool, I can also use my several jackets and my many cardigans. I even have several short-sleeved cardigans that will work when it's warmer. That's part of what NoBuy2022 is about for me--less acquisition, more enjoyment. The possibilities of this dress are endless. It'll be like playing with a paper doll, and I love paper dolls. And I can post about the experience every 10 days or so. I may even post some photos as I used to do.

Apparently, people really don't notice that you're wearing the same thing every day. And if they do, they find it interesting. I'll count the days when I don't really get dressed (some weekends are shower-and-put-on-clean-pajamas days), and I'll plan to wash the dress once a week unless it gets dirty. I'll remember to hang the dress up after I wear it. I may even hang it outside. I don't usually sweat much, so I should be fine, and I have Febreze. Maybe this will also tone down any sneaking vanity?

I'm not starting now because I have some sweaters on my DREAM boards, but I may start next week. What do you think?

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