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Sunday, May 29, 2016

Sending Books.

Two years ago, I started sending my brother, James, a book on his January 1 birthday. I think the books will be important to him even if he doesn't read them. And in one case, Mom read the book first! I love that she couldn't resist it. I can think of it as the one book I want to contribute to his year. Ordering from Amazon Smile is so easy. I don't want to plan the books ahead--just go year to year.

I once sent a Francesca Lia Block book to my aunt. I wanted her to have the chance to like something that I loved so much.

When Josh was waiting for his medical discharge from the army, I was at a family reunion in Oregon. I went to a little bookstore and bought Billy Collins's Picnic, Lightning and sent it to him, hoping the words of his favorite poet would ease all he was facing.

I can't think of a package much more exciting than a book!

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