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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Top Ten Books.

  1. Jane Eyre
  2. Dangerous Angels
  3. The 13th Tale
  4. Writing Down the Bones
  5. A Little Princess
  6. Sugar Queen
  7. Love Walked In
  8. Necklace of Kisses
  9. Eight Cousins
  10. Her Fearful Symmetry

This is so difficult! Titles escape me. I need to look in my special book cabinet. But I would love to have these books with me if I couldn't read anything else. They mark points in my life.

For example, Necklace of Kisses was the first Christmas gift Josh gave to me. I remember reading it during my nights in the dorms at ASU and reading it in the bathtub. It was a difficult time in my life, and Block's word-spinning left a shimmer on me that probably helped me survive internally. So it's appropriate that Josh gave me the book (even though I asked him for it!); he's often left that shimmer or led me to it, knowing me as he does now.

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