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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Dreams Came True.

I love making wish and dream lists. I think sometimes, though, people (including me) tend to ignore dreams and wishes that have already come true. Sometimes, I'll go back through lists (life lists, goals, books-to-read lists, wish lists) and be surprised to find that I have so much to cross off already! I want to try to be more aware, so here are some of my dreams that have come true.

*To find someone to love who is like me (literary, creative, quiet, introverted) and who wants to cherish and take care of me whether I "need" it or not.

*To carry a healthy baby.

*To have a huge stock of empty journals. My actual dream when I was about fifteen or sixteen was to have something like my own stationery store of journals to choose from every time I finished a volume. The journals are in various stacks and boxes, but I do have such a stock!

*To have lots of fancy makeup. This seemed like an impossible dream when I was sixteen, but I do have plenty of sparkly, Sephora-caliber makeup (primarily eye makeup!).

*To have a gorgeous work wardrobe. I'm glad I spent money on this when I had it, and I hope I will be able (I'm determined!) to fit into everything again. Most of my work clothes are from Ann Taylor Loft, and I can put together so many outfits that I love and feel great in.

*To have an absurd number of cardigans. Yep, I have this too, and I've been able to continue enjoying them (unbuttoned) during my pregnancy. Long-sleeved, three-quarter-sleeved, short-sleeved, pink, green, black, purple, teal, blue, sparkly, embroidered, rhinestone-buttoned...they can make any slacks and tank top or dress into something totally unique. Plus, they're great if you get cold all the time like I do.

*To have a gorgeous wardrobe...possibly my mom's white wicker one (thanks, Mom!).

*To have a real fountain pen and inks. When I was ten-ish, I was obsessed with nib pens and quill pens. I would cut craft feathers and scrape stamp pads with toothpicks to try to make this dream a reality. I was about sixteen when I bought my first real fountain pen. Several have broken or just stopped working since then, but they are still so fascinating. One Christmas, my parents bought me a bottle of Amethyst Levenger ink...and then a peacock blue box full of six more ink bottles! These are like jewels to me.

*To see The Phantom of the Opera. I think I was about eight when I discovered this musical's existence and wished so very hard that I could see it. My dad got tickets that year, and I've been twice since, at sixteen and twenty-four. I hope I'll see it again before another eight years pass! Actually, I could include many musicals in this list.

*To have a Disney World honeymoon. Well, this one was just an unforgettable wonder, thanks to my in-laws. We had lunch in Cinderella's castle, and the server ave us two gorgeous swirl-stem champagne flutes, which I'm gazing at right now.

*To live in many different houses. I've certainly done this! I like the different feelings each has had.

*To go to the Paris Opera House. You may guess that this is linked to another dream, and you are right. I've been twice, and the first time I went, I learned the weak in the knees is a real sensation.

*To have cats. My parents weren't big animals-in-the-house people. But now, I have three furry critters.

*To have an MFA in Creative Writing. Thanks, Queens University faculty and fellow students.

I'm sure I have so many more dreams I could add here. What dreams of yours have come true?

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